Chad Weaver is our team leader. He led a team in Abuja last year and is doing a great job this year of coordinating and organizing our team. His heart for going to Abuja is to bless the pastors and to encourage and bless them. Chad graduated from the School of Ministry a few years back and is currently on staff with Real Life College Outreach.
Amanda Hershberger is another returning veteran from last years trip. She is looking forward to going back to the Abuja church and fellow believers there. She is the one team member that is not a School of Ministry grad yet.
Scott Griffiths is the tech guy and team genius. (from left to right, Parker Smith, Scott Griffiths, Amanda Hershberger, Katherine Hellesto, Whitney Smith and Chad weaver) After he gets back from Abuja he will be going to Iowa to get his masters in particle physics, and he also recently graduated from Cornerstone School of Ministry.
Katherine Hellesto is our soccer expert (ever so important in a country whose national sport is soccer) and part of our medical team. She graduated from CSOM in 07 and is now pursuing a degree in nursing.
Whitney Smith is the other part of our medical team and is currently in a pre-nursing program. She will also be our worship leader while we are in Nigeria. She is another 07 grad from School of Ministry.
Parker Smith is the blogger and helps guy on the team. I graduated from School of Ministry with Scotty G and 20+ others. I'm not sure what role God has for me in Africa but I am open to whatever God has for me.
Our prayer request right now is that our visas would be approved and delivered quickly. We greatly appreciate your prayers and support. That's all for now and until next time, we are Abuja Bound.