Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Abuja Mod Squad in action (PIX)

Okata rides (no helmet law in Abuja)

Amanda, Whitney & Katherine doing battle with the weeds at church property

Chad with children

Scott needs cool shades too:)

Abuja Bound team in action July 14th 2009


  1. What time does your plane get in to Portland on Saturday? No one here knows, I called the church and asked Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Hellesto( we were all planning on being at the airport but don't know when you will be there) Thanks. Or if anyone else knows could you please comment back? Thank you!

  2. Hi all! With some sleuthing, I found out that the "Abuja serve squad" comes in at 11:30 am on Lufthansa flight #468, from Frankfurt. With customs, they said to figure 12:15 or so. The airline customer service man believed that they wouldn't be held back for being spies, as a college group in Ethiopia was last week-Pray, pray, pray =)!
    Hellesto mom
