Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 13 (Monday Madness)

Today we had two jobs to do as a team, 1 was to sift the sand pile in front of Josh’s complex to make gravel, and 2 was to level the two squares next to the stage so they could be concreted and used as storage space. We weren’t able to start till noon because of a leaders meeting in the church so we stayed home and had a team meeting until noon. At noon Whitney and I started work on the sand pile while the rest of the team began work in the sanctuary. When they got there they found out that the meeting didn’t end at noon as we thought but rather at two. They spent the two hours helping the crews work o the basketball court. At about two thirty Whitney and I joined them and we started work on the storage space. We ended up working until six thirty and had to stop then because prayer meeting was starting. After the prayer meeting the church celebrated Sam’s 35th birthday party with a German chocolate cake. The basket ball court has been bricked around and we will start work filling it tomorrow. Hopefully the team members will have the option of getting their hair braided tomorrow. Stay tuned to find out!

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